File information |
Filename: | P8021461.JPG |
Album name: | Mako de Gamar / Kosievanie lĂşky pod Vysoku 2009 |
Filesize: | 282 KiB |
Date added: | Jan 31, 2010 |
Dimensions: | 960 x 1280 pixels |
Displayed: | 36 times |
Color Space: | sRGB |
Components Configuration: | YCbCr |
Compressed Bits Per Pixel: | 2 |
Contrast: | 2 |
Customer Render: | 0 |
DateTime Original: | 2009:08:02 14:40:12 |
Digital Zoom Ratio: | 0 |
EXIF Image Height: | 960 pixels |
EXIF Image Width: | 1280 pixels |
EXIF Interoperability Offset: | 1753 |
EXIF Offset: | 298 |
EXIF Version: | version 2.2 |
Exposure Bias: | -0.3 EV |
Exposure Mode: | 1 |
Exposure Program: | Program Creative |
Exposure Time: | 1/50 sec |
FNumber: | f/2.8 |
File Source: | Digital Still Camera |
Flash: | Compulsory Flash |
FlashPix Version: | version 1 |
Focal length: | 8.2 mm |
Gain Control: | 1 |
ISO: | 87 |
Image Description: | OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA |
Light Source: | Unknown: 9 |
Make: | Olympus Corporation |
Max Aperture: | f/2.8 |
Metering Mode: | Pattern |
Model: | C770UZ |
Orientation: | 1: Normal (0 deg) |
Resolution Unit: | Inch |
Saturation: | 2 |
Scene Capture Mode: | 0 |
Scene Type: | Directly Photographed |
Sharpness: | 0 |
Software: | v772-79 |
White Balance: | 1 |
X Resolution: | 72 dots per ResolutionUnit |
Y Resolution: | 72 dots per ResolutionUnit |
YCbCrPositioning: | Center of Pixel Array |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |