TADYK gallery

TADYK album

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2006_08_26_21_16_59.jpg 2006_08_26_21_17_03.jpg 2006_08_26_21_57_28.jpg 2006_08_26_21_57_43.jpg 2006_08_26_22_07_37.jpg
File information
Album name:peatre / Tomky - 25-27.8.2006
Filesize:336 KiB
Date added:Sep 05, 2006
Dimensions:1280 x 853 pixels
Displayed:33 times
Color Space:sRGB
Components Configuration:YCbCr
Customer Render:0
DateTime Original:2006:08:26 21:57:28
EXIF Image Height:853 pixels
EXIF Image Width:1280 pixels
EXIF Interoperability Offset:9288
EXIF Offset:248
EXIF Version:version 2.21
Exposure Bias:0 EV
Exposure Mode:0
Exposure Program:Program
Exposure Time:1/60 sec
Flash:Compulsory Flash
FlashPix Version:version 1
Focal length:18 mm
Metering Mode:Pattern
Model:Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Orientation:1: Normal (0 deg)
Resolution Unit:Inch
Scene Capture Mode:0
White Balance:0
X Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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